GPTs Domain Binding Service - Domain Binding Service for gpt as public | Product Hunt

GPTs Domain Binding Service

Add a new subdomain, specify the TXT record, and provide a description for your GPTs domain setup.

Custom versions of ChatGPT, known as GPTs, are now available, allowing anyone to create tailored ChatGPT versions for specific purposes without needing to code. These GPTs can be used for various tasks in daily life, work, or at home and shared with others. This flexibility extends to learning new skills, assisting in education, or creative tasks like designing. OpenAI has also considered privacy and safety in their design, ensuring user control over data.

The community is encouraged to create and share their GPTs, with the GPT Store coming soon for wider access and usage. OpenAI continues to work on making these GPTs more effective and adaptable to real-world tasks, focusing on safety and societal implications. Additionally, developers can integrate GPTs with real-world data through APIs. Enterprises can also benefit by creating internal-only GPTs for specific business needs.

OpenAI's goal with GPTs is to involve more people in shaping AI, aiming for safer and more beneficial AI development. ChatGPT Plus has also been updated for a more seamless experience, including up-to-date information and simplified model access. More details can be found at